If you don't know, I'm preparing for a two week trip to Africa in May 2013 to teach English at several orphanages. I'm SO THRILLED! We've had a couple of meetings lately, and the excitement is darn near about to kill me.
Please consider following my blog about my trip to Zambia so you can just learn about what's going on, and if you're a prayer-kinda-person, you can pray for me, the other ladies who are going, and all the children we hope to bless. Here's the link: Sisters of Zambia
My husband performs in local live theater in his "spare time." I use those words loosely because I don't know anyone among us who has time we can just call extra. He doesn't get paid for it, but he sees it as a type of mission, just as all the other actors in the group do. They provide quality, family-friendly entertainment for a very reasonable price. He loves it, and I'm proud of him. However, it means he's gone in the evenings, and quite often! I miss him while he's gone, but I can focus on my work without feeling guilty, and I get extra excited when he comes home :)
I also got my first pair of Toms. They are red. I love them. The end.
NOW.... What's this I see when I log into Blogger? 99 followers?! Wowza!
I feel like it's time for another giveaway. Last time, I gave away a $25 gift card to Erin Condren for 50 followers. Well, that was a biggie. BUT I had a discounted offer laying around in my email, so it wasn't too big of a deal.
What should I give away this time? What would be beneficial? A Target giftcard? iTunes? A set of fun customized testing confidence posters (see link here)? Your choice of items from my Teachers Pay Teachers store (link here)? All my love and affection?
Tell me what would benefit you. I'm excited - almost 100? Woot woot!
Look out for my blog to be coming soon about reading in my classroom. My students rock. Love!!!
Leave me comments because, well, they make me super happy!